Samadhi Parts 1, 2 and 3 are below (somewhere), alongside the "Awakening Mind" and "Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds" series, for your viewing pleasure, uninterrupted by adverts.
Share, watch and discuss these movies … as the ability to read, is being lost and the ability to use criticality is but a faded dream to most.
Samadhi - Maya, the Illusion of the Self
Samadhi - It's Not What You Think
Samadhi - The Pathless Path
AWAKENING MIND: Know Thyself …
Inner Worlds - Outer Worlds … Akasha
Inner Worlds - Outer Worlds … The Spiral
Inner Worlds - Outer Worlds … The Serpent and the Lotus
Inner Worlds - Outer Worlds … Beyond Thinking
Please research and question this subject matter and the topics contained therein, in a critical manner, other than reading an article you found or were sent. More matter on this subject can be found in the book Meahuasca >HERE<
Mèahuasca (the book) explores the experiences of the writer/creator, and provides a breakdown for the preparation of travelling, voyaging or journeying to the centre of U. It contains detailed accounts of real experience(s) and adventures. It's also a practical guide on how to prepare for (time) travel, voyaging or journeying, and can be used as a personal journal for your private use.
The printed book Mèahuasca is available >HERE<